Package: gtk

Function gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type

Lambda List

gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type (gtype)


(gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type gtype) => value
(setf (gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type gtype) value)


gtype -- a g:type-t type ID for the widget class
value -- a g:type-t type ID for the object type that implements the gtk:layout-manager object for the widget class of gtype type


The gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type function retrieves the type of the gtk:layout-manager object used by the widget of the given gtype type. The gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type function sets the type to be used for creating layout managers for widgets of gtype type.

This function should only be called from class init functions of widgets.


(gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type "GtkBox")
=> #<GTYPE :name "GtkBoxLayout" :id 99175136080768>
(gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type "GtkButton")
=> #<GTYPE :name "GtkBinLayout" :id 99175136080464>
(gtk:widget-class-layout-manager-type "GtkWindow")
=> NIL    

See also
