Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id

Lambda List

gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id (object)


(gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id object) => id
(setf (gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id object) id)


object -- a gtk:tree-view-column object
id -- an integer with the sort-column-id of the model to sort on


Accessor of the sort-column-id slot of the gtk:tree-view-column class. The gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id function gets the logical sort column ID that the model sorts on when this tree view column is selected for sorting. The (setf gtk:tree-view-column-sort-column-id) function sets the logical sort column ID. Doing so makes the tree view column header clickable.


The gtk:tree-view-column implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
