Package: gtk

Function gtk:tree-store-insert-with-values

Lambda List

gtk:tree-store-insert-with-values (store parent position &rest values)


store -- a gtk:tree-store object
parent -- a valid gtk:tree-iter iterator, or nil
position -- an integer with the position to insert the new row, or -1 to append after existing rows
values -- pairs of column number and value

Return Value

The gtk:tree-iter iterator.


Creates a new row at position. The returned iterator point to this new row. If position is -1, or larger than the number of rows on the list, then the new row will be appended to the list. The row will be filled with the values given to this function.

Calling this function has the same effect as calling
(let ((iter (gtk:tree-store-insert store iter position)))
  (gtk:tree-store-set store iter values)
  .. )  
with the different that the former will only emit a "row-inserted" signal, while the latter will emit "row-inserted", "row-changed" and if the tree store is sorted, "rows-reordered". Since emitting the "rows-reordered" signal repeatedly can affect the performance of the program, the gtk:tree-store-insert-with-values function should generally be preferred when inserting rows in a sorted tree store.


The gtk:tree-store implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Use the gtk:tree-list-model object instead.

See also
