Package: gtk

Function gtk:text-tag-priority

Lambda List

gtk:text-tag-priority (tag)


(gtk:text-tag-priority tag) => priority
(setf (gtk:text-tag-priority tag) priority)


tag -- a gtk:text-tag object
priority -- an integer with the priority of the tag


The gtk:text-tag-priority function gets the tag priority. The (setf gtk:text-tag-priority) function sets the priority.

Valid priorities start at 0 and go to one less than the value of the result of the gtk:text-tag-table-size function. Each tag in a gtk:text-tag-table object has a unique priority. Setting the priority of one tag shifts the priorities of all the other tags in the tag table to maintain a unique priority for each tag. Higher priority tags "win" if two tags both set the same text attribute. When adding a tag to a tag table, it will be assigned the highest priority in the tag table by default. So normally the precedence of a set of tags is the order in which they were added to the tag table, or created with the gtk:text-buffer-create-tag function, which adds the tag to the tag table of the text buffer automatically.

See also
