Package: gtk

Function gtk:text-iter-slice

Lambda List

gtk:text-iter-slice (start end &key visible)


start -- a gtk:text-iter instance with the start of a range
end -- a gtk:text-iter instance with the end of a range
visible -- a boolean keyword argument, the default is false

Return Value

The string with a slice of text from the text buffer.


Returns a string with the text in the given range. If the visible keyword argument is true, invisible text is not included. Invisible text is usually invisible because a gtk:text-tag object with the invisible attribute turned on has been applied to it.

A "slice" is a string of characters encoded in UTF-8 format, including the Unicode "unknown" character 0xFFFC for iterable non-character elements in the text buffer, such as images. Because images are encoded in the slice, byte and character offsets in the returned string will correspond to byte offsets in the text buffer. Note that the character 0xFFFC can occur in normal text as well, so it is not a reliable indicator that a pixbuf or widget is in the text buffer.

See also
