Package: gtk

Function gtk:style-context-state

Lambda List

gtk:style-context-state (context)


(gtk:style-context-state context) => state
(setf (gtk:style-context-state context) state)


context -- a gtk:style-context object
state -- a value of the gtk:state-flags flags to represent


Accessor of the state used when rendering. The gtk:style-context-state function returns the state used for style matching. The (setf gtk:style-context-state) function sets the state.

This function should only be used to retrieve the gtk:state-flags values to pass to the gtk:style-context functions, like the gtk:style-context-padding function. If you need to retrieve the current state of a gtk:widget object, use the gtk:widget-state-flags function.


This function is deprecated since 4.10. Use the gtk:widget-state-flags function instead.

See also
