Package: gtk
Accessor gtk:sort-list-model-pending
Lambda Listgtk:sort-list-model-pending (object) SyntaxArgumentsDetails Accessor of the pending slot of the gtk:sort-list-model class. The gtk:sort-list-model-pending estimates progress of an ongoing sorting
operation. The estimate is the number of items that would still need to be sorted to finish the sorting operation if this was a linear algorithm. So this number is not related to how many items are already correctly sorted. If you want to estimate the progress, you can use code like this: (let* ((pending (gtk:sort-list-model-pending model)) (store (gtk:sort-list-model-model model)) (progress (- 1.0 (/ pending (max 1 (g:list-model-n-items store)))))) ... )If no sort operation is ongoing, in particular when the incremental property is false, this function returns 0. | See also