Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:shortcut-controller-scope

Lambda List

gtk:shortcut-controller-scope (object)


(gtk:shortcut-controller-scope object) => scope
(setf (gtk:shortcut-controller-scope object) scope)


object -- a gtk:shortcut-controller object
scope -- a gtk:shortcut-scope value


Accessor of the scope slot of the gtk:shortcut-controller class. The gtk:shortcut-controller-scope function gets the scope for when the controller activates its shortcuts. The (setf gtk:shortcut-controller-scope) function sets the controller to have the given scrope.

The scope allows shortcuts to be activated outside of the normal event propagation. In particular, it allows installing global keyboard shortcuts that can be activated even when a widget does not have focus.

With the :local value, shortcuts will only be activated when the widget has focus.

See also
