Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:revealer-reveal-child

Lambda List

gtk:revealer-reveal-child (object)


(gtk:revealer-reveal-child object) => reveal
(setf (gtk:revealer-reveal-child object) reveal)


object -- a gtk:revealer widget
reveal -- true to reveal the child widget


Accessor of the reveal-child slot of the gtk:revealer class. The gtk:revealer-reveal-child function returns whether the child widget is currently revealed. The (setf gtk:revealer-reveal-child) function tells the revealer to reveal or conceal its child widget.

This function returns true as soon as the transition to the revealed state is started. To learn whether the child widget is fully revealed, that is; the transition is completed, use the gtk:revealer-child-revealed function. The transition will be animated with the current transition type of the revealer.

See also
