Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:progress-bar-show-text

Lambda List

gtk:progress-bar-show-text (object)


(gtk:progress-bar-show-text object) => setting
(setf (gtk:progress-bar-show-text object) setting)


object -- a gtk:progress-bar widget
setting -- a boolean whether to show superimposed text


Accessor of the show-text slot of the gtk:progress-bar class. The gtk:progress-bar-show-text function gets the value of the show-text property. The (setf gtk:progress-bar-show-text) function sets whether the progress bar will show text superimposed over the progress bar. The shown text is either the value of the text property or, if that is nil, the fraction value, as a percentage.

To make a progress bar that is styled and sized suitably for containing text, even if the actual text is blank, set the show-text property to true and the text property to the empty string, not nil.

See also
