Package: gtk

Function gtk:print-operation-run

Lambda List

gtk:print-operation-run (operation action parent)


operation -- a gtk:print-operation object
action -- a gtk:print-operation-action value for the action to start
parent -- a transient parent of the dialog

Return Value

The result of the print operation. A return value of :apply indicates that the printing was completed successfully. In this case, it is a good idea to obtain the used print settings with the gtk:print-operation-print-settings function and store them for reuse with the next print operation. A value of :in-progress means the operation is running asynchronously, and will emit the "done" signal when done.


Runs the print operation, by first letting the user modify print settings in the print dialog, and then print the document.

Normally that this function does not return until the rendering of all pages is complete. You can connect to the "status-changed" signal on the print operation to obtain some information about the progress of the print operation. Furthermore, it may use a recursive main loop to show the print dialog.

If you call the gtk:print-operation-allow-async function the operation will run asynchronously if this is supported on the platform. The "done" signal will be emitted with the result of the operation when the it is done, that is, when the dialog is canceled, or when the print succeeds or fails.

Note that the gtk:print-operation-run function can only be called once on a given gtk:print-operation.


(defun do-print-operation (window)
  (let ((response nil)
        (print (gtk:print-operation-new)))
    ;; Connect signal handlers for the print operation
    (g:signal-connect print "draw-page" #'draw-page)
    (g:signal-connect print "begin-print" #'begin-print)
    ;; Restore the print settings
    (when *print-settings*
      (setf (gtk:print-operation-print-settings print) *print-settings*))
    ;; Restore the page setup
    (when *page-setup*
      (setf (gtk:print-operation-page-setup print) *page-setup*))
    ;; Perform the print operation
    (setf response (gtk:print-operation-run print :print-dialog window))
    ;; Check the response and save the print settings
    (when (eq :apply response)
      (setf *print-settings* (gtk:print-operation-print-settings print)))))    

See also
