Package: gtk

Function gtk:notebook-current-page

Lambda List

gtk:notebook-current-page (notebook)


(gtk:notebook-current-page notebook) => num
(setf (gtk:notebook-current-page notebook) num)


notebook -- a gtk:notebook widget
num -- an integer with the index of the page to switch to, starting from 0, if negative, the last page will be used, if greater than the number of pages in the notebook, nothing will be done


The gtk:notebook-current-page function returns an integer with the index starting from 0 of the page number of the current page. The (setf gtk:notebook-current-page) function switches to the given page number.

Note that due to historical reasons, the gtk:notebook widget refuses to switch to a page unless the child widget is visible. Therefore, it is recommended to show child widgets before adding them to a notebook.

See also
