Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:label-attributes

Lambda List

gtk:label-attributes (object)


(gtk:label-attributes object) => attrs
(setf (gtk:label-attributes object) attrs)


object -- a gtk:label widget
attrs -- a pango:attr-list instance


Accessor of the attributes slot of the gtk:label class. The gtk:label-attributes function gets the attribute list that was set on the label, if any. The (setf gtk:label-attributes) function sets a attribute list. The attributes in the list are applied to the label text.

This function does not reflect attributes that come from the labels markup, see the gtk:label-set-markup function. If you want to get the effective attributes for the label, use
(pango:layout-attributes (gtk:label-layout label))  


The attributes set with this function will be applied and merged with any other attributes previously effected by way of the use-underline or use-markup properties. While it is not recommended to mix markup strings with manually set attributes, if you must, know that the attributes will be applied to the label after the markup string is parsed.

See also
