Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:info-bar-revealed

Lambda List

gtk:info-bar-revealed (object)


(gtk:info-bar-revealed object) => revealed
(setf (gtk:info-bar-revealed object) revealed)


object -- a gtk:info-bar widget
revealed -- a boolean whether the action bar shows its contents


Accessor of the revealed slot of the gtk:info-bar class. The gtk:info-bar-revealed function returns whether the info bar is currently revealed. The (setf gtk:info-bar-revealed) function sets the property.

Changing this will make the info bar reveal or conceal itself via a sliding transition. Note: this does not show or hide the info bar in the visible sense, so revealing has no effect if the visible property is false.


The gtk:info-bar implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Do not use it in newly written code.

See also
