Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:gesture-single-touch-only

Lambda List

gtk:gesture-single-touch-only (object)


(gtk:gesture-single-touch-only object) => touch-only
(setf (gtk:gesture-single-touch-only object) touch-only)


object -- a gtk:gesture-single object
touch-only -- a boolean whether gesture handles only touch events


Accessor of the touch-only slot of the gtk:gesture-single class. The gtk:gesture-single-touch-only function returns true if the gesture is only triggered by touch events. The (setf gtk:gesture-single-touch-only) function sets whether the gesture is only triggered by touch events. If the touch-only argument is true, the gesture will only handle events of type :touch-begin, :touch-update or :touch-end. If false, mouse events will be handled too.

See also
