Package: gtk

Function gtk:frame-label-align

Lambda List

gtk:frame-label-align (frame)


(gtk:frame-label-align object) => align
(setf (gtk:frame-label-align object) align)


frame -- a gtk:frame widget
align -- a float with the position of the label along the top edge of the widget


The gtk:frame-label-align function retrieves the x alignment of the label of the frame. The (setf gtk:frame-label-align) function sets the x alignment. The default value for a newly created frame is 0.0. A value of 0.0 represents left alignment, 1.0 represents right alignment. The change of the property is ignored if the value is not in the range of [0.0, 1.0].


This function is a variant of the gtk:frame-label-xalign function, which is the accessor function of the label-xalign property.

See also
