Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line

Lambda List

gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line (object)


(gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line object) => n-children
(setf (gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line object) n-children)


object -- a gtk:flow-box widget
n-children -- an unsigned integer with the maximum number of children per line


Accessor of the max-children-per-line slot of the gtk:flow-box class. The gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line function gets the maximum number of children per line to request and allocate space for in the orientation of the flow box. The (setf gtk:flow-box-max-children-per-line) function sets the maximum number of children.

Setting the maximum number of children per line limits the overall natural size request to be no more than n-children children long in the given orientation.

See also
