Package: gtk

Function gtk:flow-box-child-changed

Lambda List

gtk:flow-box-child-changed (child)


child -- a gtk:flow-box-child widget


Marks the child widget as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated. This affects sorting and filtering.

Note that calls to this method must be in sync with the data used for the sorting and filtering functions. For instance, if the list is mirroring some external data set, and *two* children changed in the external data set when you call the gtk:flow-box-child-changed function on the first child widget, the sort function must only read the new data for the first of the two changed children, otherwise the resorting of the children will be wrong.

This generally means that if you do not fully control the data model, you have to duplicate the data that affects the sorting and filtering functions into the widgets themselves. Another alternative is to call the gtk:flow-box-invalidate-sort function on any model change, but that is more expensive.

See also
