Package: gtk

Function gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text

Lambda List

gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text (entry pos)


(gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text entry pos) => tooltip
(setf (gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text entry pos) tooltip)


entry -- a gtk:entry widget
pos -- a gtk:entry-icon-position value with the icon position
tooltip -- a string with the contents of the tooltip for the icon, or nil


The gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text function gets the contents of the tooltip on the icon at the specified position in the text entry. The (setf gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-text) function sets a tooltip for the icon at the specified position. Use nil for tooltip to remove an existing tooltip.

See also the gtk:widget-tooltip-text and gtk:entry-icon-tooltip-markup functions.

See also
