Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width

Lambda List

gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width (object)


(gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width object) => setting
(setf (gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width object) setting)


object -- a gtk:entry-completion object
setting -- true to make the width of the popup the same as the text entry


Accessor of the popup-set-width slot of the gtk:entry-completion class. The gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width function returns whether the completion popup window will be resized to the width of the text entry. The (setf gtk:entry-completion-popup-set-width) function sets whether the completion popup window will be resized to be the same width as the text entry.


The gtk:entry-completion implementation is deprecated since 4.10. This object will be removed in GTK 5.

See also
