Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:directory-list-monitored

Lambda List

gtk:directory-list-monitored (object)


(gtk:directory-list-monitored object) => monitored
(setf (gtk:directory-list-monitored object) monitored)


object -- a gtk:directory-list object
monitored -- true to monitor the directory for changes


Accessor of the monitored slot of the gtk:directory-list class. The gtk:directory-list-monitored function returns whether the directory list is monitoring the directory for changes. The (setf gtk:directory-list-monitored) function sets whether the directory list will monitor the directory for changes. If monitoring is enabled, the "items-changed" signal will be emitted when the directory contents change.

When monitoring is turned on after the initial creation of the directory list, the directory is reloaded to avoid missing files that appeared between the initial loading and when monitoring was turned on.

See also
