Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:column-view-row-activatable

Lambda List

gtk:column-view-row-activatable (object)


(gtk:column-view-row-activatable object) => activatable
(setf (gtk:column-view-row-activatable object) activatable)


object -- a gtk:column-view-row object
activatable -- a boolean whether the row can be activated


Accessor of the activatable slot of the gtk:column-view-row class. The gtk:column-view-row-activatable function checks if the row has been set to be activatable. The (setf gtk:column-view-row-activatable) function sets object to be activatable.

If a row is activatable, double-clicking on the row, using the Return key or calling the gtk:widget-activate function will activate the row. Activating instructs the containing columnview to emit the "GtkColumnView::activate" signal.

By default, the rows are activatable.

Since 4.12

See also
