Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:column-view-cell-focusable

Lambda List

gtk:column-view-cell-focusable (object)


(gtk:column-view-cell-focusable object) => focusable
(setf (gtk:column-view-cell-focusable object) focusable)


object -- a gtk:column-view-cell object
focusable -- a boolean whether the item should be focusable


Accessor of the focusable slot of the gtk:column-view-cell class. The gtk:column-view-cell-focusable function checks if a list item has been set to be focusable. The (setf gtk:column-view-cell-focusable) function sets object to be focusable. If an item is focusable, it can be focused using the keyboard. This works similar to the gtk:widget-focusable function.

Note that if items are not focusable, the keyboard cannot be used to activate them and selecting only works if one of the children of the listitem is focusable. By default, list items are focusable.

Since 4.12

See also
