Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-view-displayed-row

Lambda List

gtk:cell-view-displayed-row (cellview)


(gtk:cell-view-display-row cellview) => path
(setf (gtk:cell-view-display-row cellview) path)


cellview -- a gtk:cell-view widget
path -- a gtk:tree-path instance or nil to unset


The gtk:cell-view-displayed-row function returns a gtk:tree-path instance referring to the currently displayed row. If no row is currently displayed, nil is returned.

The (setf gtk:cell-view-displayed-row) function sets the row of the model that is currently displayed by the cell view. If the path is unset, then the contents of the cell view "stick" at their last value. This is not normally a desired result, but may be a needed intermediate state if say, the model for the cell view becomes temporarily empty.


The gtk:cell-view implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
