Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:cell-area-focus-cell

Lambda List

gtk:cell-area-focus-cell (object)


(gtk:cell-area-edited-cell object) => renderer
(setf (gtk:cell-area-edited-cell object) renderer


object -- a gtk:cell-area object
renderer -- a gtk:cell-renderer object to give focus to


Accessor of the focus-cell slot of the gtk:cell-area class. The gtk:cell-area-focus-cell function retrieves the currently focused cell for the area. The (setf gtk:cell-area-focus-cell) function explicitly sets the currently focused cell to renderer.

This is generally called by implementations of the GtkCellAreaClass.focus() or GtkCellAreaClass.event() functions, however it can also be used to implement functions such as the gtk:tree-view-set-cursor-on-cell function.


The gtk:cell-area implementation is deprecated since 4.10. List views use widgets for displaying their contents.

See also
