Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:cell-area-context-area

Lambda List

gtk:cell-area-context-area (object)


(gtk:cell-area-context-area object) => area


context -- a gtk:cell-area-context object
area -- a gtk:cell-area object


Accessor of the area slot of the gtk:cell-area-context class. The gtk:cell-area-context-area function fetches the cell area the context was created by.

This is generally unneeded by layouting widgets. However it is important for the context implementation itself to fetch information about the area it is being used for. For instance at GtkCellAreaContextClass.allocate() time its important to know details about any cell spacing that the cell area is configured with in order to compute a proper allocation.


The gtk:cell-area-context implementation is deprecated since 4.10. This object will be removed in GTK 5.

See also
