Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-area-activate-cell

Lambda List

gtk:cell-area-activate-cell (area widget renderer event cell flags)


area -- a gtk:cell-area object
widget -- a gtk:widget object that area is rendering onto
renderer -- a gtk:cell-renderer object in area to activate
event -- a gdk:event instance for which cell activation should occur
cell -- a gdk:rectangle instance in widget relative coordinates of renderer for the current row
flags -- a value of the gtk:cell-renderer-state flags for renderer

Return Value

The boolean whether cell activation was successful.


This is used by gtk:cell-area subclasses when handling events to activate cells, the base gtk:cell-area class activates cells for keyboard events for free in its own GtkCellArea->activate() implementation.


The gtk:cell-area implementation is deprecated since 4.10. List views use widgets for displaying their contents.

See also
