Package: gdk
GBoxed gdk:rectangle
Declaration(glib:define-gboxed-cstruct rectangle "GdkRectangle" (:export t :type-initializer "gdk_rectangle_get_type") (x :int :initform 0) (y :int :initform 0) (width :int :initform 0) (height :int :initform 0)) Values
Details The gdk:rectangle structure is a data type for representing
rectangles. The gdk:rectangle structure is identical to the cairo:rectangle-t structure. Together with the cairo:region-t data type of Cairo, these are the central types for
representing sets of pixels. The intersection of two rectangles can be computed with the gdk:rectangle-intersect function. To find the union of two rectangles use the gdk:rectangle-union function. The cairo:region-t type provided by Cairo is usually used for managing non-rectangular clipping of graphical operations. The Graphene library has a number of other data types for regions and volumes in 2D and 3D. | Returned bySlot Access FunctionsSee also