Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits

Lambda List

gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits (object)


(gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits object) => credits
(setf (gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits object) credits)


object -- a gtk:about-dialog widget
credits -- a string with the credits to the translators


Accessor of the translator-credits slot of the gtk:about-dialog class. The gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits function returns the translator credits string which is displayed in the credits page. The (setf gtk:about-dialog-translator-credits) function sets the translator credits.

The intended use for this string is to display the translator of the language which is currently used in the user interface. Using GNU gettext, a simple way to achieve that is to mark the string for translation:
gtk_about_dialog_set_translator_credits (about, _("translator-credits"));  
It is a good idea to use the customary "translator-credits" msgid for this purpose, since translators will already know the purpose of that msgid, and since the gtk:about-dialog widget will detect if the "translator-credits" property is untranslated and hide the tab.

See also
