Package: gtk

Interface gtk:print-operation-preview


gobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses

Direct Slots



The gtk:print-operation-preview interface is implemented by the gtk:print-operation class.

By default the gtk:print-operation object uses an external application to do print preview. To implement a custom print preview, an application must connect to the preview signal. The gtk:print-operation-preview-render-page, gtk:print-operation-preview-end-preview and gtk:print-operation-preview-is-selected functions are useful when implementing a print preview.

Signal Details

The "got-page-size" signal
lambda (preview context page-setup)    :run-last      
The gtk:print-operation-preview object on which the signal is emitted.
The current gtk:print-context object.
The gtk:page-setup object for the current page.
The signal is emitted once for each page that gets rendered to the preview. A handler for this signal should update the context according to the page-setup argument and set up a suitable Cairo context, using the gtk:print-context-set-cairo-context function.
The "ready" signal
lambda (preview context)    :run-last      
The gtk:print-operation-preview object on which the signal is emitted.
The current gtk:print-context object.
The signal gets emitted once per preview operation, before the first page is rendered. A handler for this signal can be used for setup tasks.

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
