Package: gtk
GBoxed gtk:paper-size
Declaration(glib:define-gboxed-opaque paper-size "GtkPaperSize" :type-initializer "gtk_paper_size_get_type" :alloc (cffi:foreign-funcall "gtk_paper_size_new" :pointer (cffi:null-pointer) :pointer)) Details The gtk:paper-size structure handles paper sizes.
It uses the standard called "PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media
Standardized Names" to name the paper sizes and to get the data for the page sizes. In addition to standard paper sizes, the gtk:paper-size
structure allows to construct custom paper sizes with arbitrary dimensions. The gtk:paper-size instance stores not only the dimensions (width and height) of a paper size and its name, it also provides default print margins. | Returned by
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