SuperclassesDocumented SubclassesDirect SlotsfontThe font property of type :string (Read / Write) The font description as a string, for example, "Sans Italic 12". Default value: "Sans 12" font-featuresThe font-features property of type :string (Read)
The selected font features, in a format that is compatible with CSS and with Pango attributes. Default value: nil languageThe language property of type :string (Read / Write) The language for which the font-features property
were selected, in a format that is compatible with CSS and with Pango attributes. levelThe level property of type gtk:font-chooser-level (Read / Write) The level of granularity to offer for selecting fonts. Default value: '(:STYLE :SIZE) preview-textThe preview-text property of type :string (Read / Write) The string with which to preview the font. Default value: nil show-preview-entryThe show-preview-entry property of type :boolean (Read / Write) Whether to show an entry to change the preview text. Default value: true Details The gtk:font-chooser interface is an interface that can be
implemented by widgets displaying the list of fonts.
In GTK, the main widgets that implement this interface are the gtk:font-chooser-widget, gtk:font-chooser-dialog and gtk:font-button widgets. Warning The gtk:font-chooser implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Use the gtk:font-dialog and gtk:font-dialog-button widgets
instead. Signal Details The "font-activated" signal
lambda (fontchooser fontname) :run-first - fontchooser
- The gtk:font-chooser widget which received the signal.
- fontname
- The string with the font name.
Emitted when a font is activated. This usually happens when the user
double clicks an item, or an item is selected and the user presses one of the Space, Shift+Space, Return or Enter keys. |
| Slot Access FunctionsInherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |