Package: gtk
Class gtk:entry-buffer
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented SubclassesDirect SlotsDetails The gtk:entry-buffer object contains the actual text displayed in a gtk:entry widget. A single gtk:entry-buffer object can be shared by multiple gtk:entry widgets which will then share the same text content, but
not the cursor position, visibility attributes, icon, and so on. The gtk:entry-buffer class may be derived from. Such a derived class might allow text to be stored in an alternate location, such as non-pageable memory, useful in the case of important passwords. Or a derived class could integrate with an undo/redo concept of the application. Signal DetailsThe "deleted-text" signallambda (buffer pos nchars) :run-first
The "inserted-text" signallambda (buffer pos chars nchars) :run-first
| Returned bySlot Access FunctionsInherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |