Package: gtk

Class gtk:drop-controller-motion


gtk:event-controller, gobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The contains-pointer property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether the pointer of a Drag-and-Drop operation is in the controller’s widget or a descendant. See also the is-pointer property. When handling crossing events, this property is updated before the "enter" signal, but after the "leave" signal is emitted.
The drop property of type gdk:drop (Read)
The ongoing drop operation over the widget of the controller or its descendant. If no drop operation is going on, this property returns nil. The event controller should not modify the drop, but it might want to query its properties. When handling crossing events, this property is updated before the "enter" signal, but after the "leave" signal is emitted.
The is-pointer property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether the pointer is in the controllers widget itself, as opposed to in a descendent widget. See also the contains-pointer property. When handling crossing events, this property is updated before the "enter" signal, but after the "leave" signal is emitted.


The gtk:drop-controller-motion object is an event controller meant for tracking the pointer hovering over a widget during a drag and drop operation. It is modeled after the gtk:event-controller-motion object so if you have used that, this should feel really familiar. The drop controller is not able to accept drops, use the gtk:drop-target object for that purpose.

Signal Details

The "enter" signal
lambda (controller x y)    :run-last      
The gtk:drop-controller-motion object.
The double float with the x coordinate of the pointer location.
The double float with the y coordinate of the pointer location.
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
The "leave" signal
lambda (controller)    :run-last      
The gtk:drop-controller-motion object.
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
The "motion" signal
lambda (controller x y)    :run-first      
The gtk:drop-controller-motion object.
The double float with the x coordinate of the pointer location.
The double float with the y coordinate of the pointer location.
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.

Returned by

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
