gtk:cell-renderer-accel object displays a keyboard accelerator, that is a key combination like
If the cell renderer is editable, the accelerator can be changed by simply
typing the new combination.
gtk:cell-renderer-accel implementation is deprecated since 4.10.
Applications editing keyboard accelerators should provide their own
implementation according to platform design guidelines.
Signal Details
The "accel-cleared" signal
lambda (accel path) :run-last
- accel
- The gtk:cell-renderer-accel object reveiving the signal.
- path
- The string with the path identifying the row of the edited cell.
Gets emitted when the user has removed the accelerator.
The "accel-edited" signal
lambda (accel path key mods keycode) :run-last
- accel
- The gtk:cell-renderer-accel object reveiving the signal.
- path
- The string with the path identifying the row of the edited cell.
- key
- The unsigned integer with the new accelerator keyval.
- mods
- The gdk:modifier-type value with the new acclerator modifier mask.
- keycode
- The unsigned integer with the keycode of the new accelerator.
Gets emitted when the user has selected a new accelerator.