Package: gsk

Function gsk:conic-gradient-node-new

Lambda List

gsk:conic-gradient-node-new (bounds center rotation color-stops)


bounds -- a graphene:rect-t instance with the bounds of the render node
center -- a graphene:point-t instance with the center of the gradient
rotation -- a float with the rotation of the gradient in degrees
stops -- a list with the color stops defining the gradient, the offset of all color steps must be increasing, the first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last stop's offset must be <= 1
n-stops -- an integer with the number of elements in stops

Return Value

The new gsk:conic-gradient-node instance.


Creates a render node that draws a conic gradient. The conic gradient starts around center in the direction of rotation. A rotation of 0 means that the gradient points up. Color stops are then added clockwise.

See also
