Package: graphene
CStruct graphene:point3d-t
Details The graphene:point3d-t structure is a data structure capable of
describing a point with three coordinates. (cffi:defcstruct point3d-t (x :float) (y :float) (z :float))Access the coordinates with the graphene:point3d-x, graphene:point3d-y and graphene:point3d-z functions. Use the graphene:with-point3d and graphene:with-point3ds macros to allocate a new graphene:point3d-t instance and initialize the point with values. Example(graphene:with-point3d (p 1.0 1/2 5) (list (graphene:point3d-x p) (graphene:point3d-y p) (graphene:point3d-z p))) => (1.0 0.5 5.0) | Slot Access FunctionsSee also |