Package: glib
Type glib:unichar
The g:unichar type specifier represents the C gunichar type
which can hold any UCS-4 character code. The g:unichar type specifier performs automatic conversion from the C gunichar type to a Lisp character and a Lisp character to the C type. An integer as argument to the cffi:convert-to-foreign function is
passed through. Convert a Lisp character to a C gunichar value:
(cffi:convert-to-foreign #A 'g:unichar) => 65 (cffi:convert-to-foreign #0 'g:unichar) => 48 (cffi:convert-to-foreign #return 'g:unichar) => 13 (cffi:convert-to-foreign #space 'g:unichar) => 32Convert a C gunichar value to a Lisp character:
(cffi:convert-from-foreign 65 'g:unichar) => #A (cffi:convert-from-foreign 48 'g:unichar) => #0 (cffi:convert-from-foreign 13 'g:unichar) => #return (cffi:convert-from-foreign 32 'g:unichar) => #spaceAn integer argument is passed through:
(cffi:convert-to-foreign 65 'g:unichar) => 65