Package: glib
Function glib:option-context-summary
Lambda Listglib:option-context-summary (context) Syntax(g:option-context-summary context) => summary (setf (g:option-context-summary context) summary) Argumentscontext -- a g:option-context instance summary -- a string to be shown in --help output before the list of options, or nil Details The g:option-context-summary function returns the summary. The (setf g:option-context-summary) function adds a string to be displayed in --help output before the list of options. This is typically a summary
of the program functionality. Note that the summary is translated. See the g:option-context-set-translate-func and g:option-context-set-translation-domain functions. Examples(setq context (g:option-context-new "A short description.")) => #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X561C3BDDC430) (setf (g:option-context-summary context) "This is the summary.") => "This is the summary." (g:option-context-help context nil) => "Aufruf: sbcl [OPTION …] A short description. | See also |