Package: gdk

Accessor gdk:surface-cursor

Lambda List

gdk:surface-cursor (object)


(gdk:surface-cursor object) => cursor
(setf (gdk:surface-cursor object) cursor)


object -- a gdk:surface object
cursor -- a gdk:cursor object


Accessor of the cursor slot of the gdk:surface class. The gdk:surface-cursor function retrieves the cursor currently set on the specified surface, or nil. If the return value is nil then there is no custom cursor set on the specified surface, and it is using the cursor for its parent surface. The (setf gdk:surface-cursor) function sets the default mouse pointer for a surface. Note that cursor must be for the same display as surface.

Use the gdk:cursor-new-from-name function or the gdk:cursor-new-from-texture function to create the cursor. To make the cursor invisible, use a blank cursor. Passing nil for the cursor argument means that the surface will use the cursor of its parent surface. Most surfaces should use this default.

See also
