Package: gdk

Function gdk:gl-texture-new

Lambda List

gdk:gl-texture-new (context id width height)


context -- a gdk:gl-context object
id -- an unsigned integer with the ID of a texture that was created with context
width -- an integer with the nominal width of the texture
height -- an integer with the nominal height of the texture
destroy -- a destroy notify that will be called when the GL resources are released, not implemented at this time (2023-8-1)
data -- data that gets passed to destroy, not implemented at this time (2023-8-1)

Return Value

A newly created gdk:texture object.


Creates a new texture for an existing GL texture. Note that the GL texture must not be modified until destroy is called, which will happen when the gdk:texture object is finalized, or due to an explicit call of the gdk:gl-texture-release function.

See also
