Package: gdk

Function gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible

Lambda List

gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible (context)


(gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible object) => setting
(setf gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible object) setting)


context -- a gdk:gl-context object
setting -- a boolean whether context is forward compatible


The gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible function returns whether the GL context should be forward compatible. The (setf gdk:gl-context-forward-compatible) function sets whether the GL context should be forward compatible.

Forward compatible GL contexts must not support OpenGL functionality that has been marked as deprecated in the requested version. Non-forward compatible GL contexts, on the other hand, must support both deprecated and non deprecated functionality.

The gdk:gl-context object must not be realized or made current prior to calling this function.

See also
