Package: gdk

Accessor gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis

Lambda List

gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis (object)


(gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis object) => apis
(setf (gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis object) apis)


object -- a gdk:gl-context object
apis -- a gdk:gl-apis value


Accessor of the allowed-apis slot of the gdk:gl-context class. The gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis function gets the allowed APIs. The (setf gdk:gl-context-allowed-apis) function sets the allowed APIs. When the gdk:gl-context-realize function is called, only the allowed APIs will be tried. If you set this to :none, realizing will always fail.

If you set it on a realized context, the property will not have any effect. It is only relevant during the gdk:gl-context-realize function.

By default, all APIs are allowed.

Since 4.6

See also
