Package: gdk

Function gdk:draw-context-frame-region

Lambda List

gdk:draw-context-frame-region (context)


context -- a gdk:draw-context object

Return Value

The cairo:region-t instance or cffi:null-pointer if not drawing a frame.


Retrieves the region that is currently in the process of being repainted.

After a call to the gdk:draw-context-begin-frame function this function will return a union of the region passed to that function and the area of the surface that the draw context determined needs to be repainted.

If context is not in between calls to the gdk:draw-context-begin-frame and gdk:draw-context-end-frame functions, cffi:null-pointer will be returned.


This function is deprecated since 4.16. Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use the gsk:render-node and gsk:renderer API.

See also
