Package: gdk

Accessor gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height

Lambda List

gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height (object)


(gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height object) => height
(setf (gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height object) height)


object -- a gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder object
height -- an integer with the height of the texture or 0 to unset


Accessor of the height slot of the gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder class. The gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height function gets the height previously set or 0 if the height was not set. The (setf gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder-height) function sets the height of the texture.

The height must be set before calling the gdk:gl-texture-builder-build function.

Since 4.14

See also
