Package: gdk

GBoxed gdk:dmabuf-formats


(glib:define-gboxed-opaque dmabuf-formats "GdkDmabufFormats"
  :export t
  :type-initializer "gdk_dmabuf_formats_get_type"
  :alloc (error "GdkDmabufFormats cannot be created from the Lisp side"))  


The gdk:dmabuf-formats structure provides information about supported DMA buffer formats. You can query whether a given format is supported with the gdk:dmabuf-formats-contains function and you can iterate over the list of all supported formats with the gdk:dmabuf-formats-n-formats and gdk:dmabuf-formats-format function.

The list of supported formats is sorted by preference, with the best formats coming first. The list may contain (format, modifier) pairs where the modifier is DMA_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID, indicating that implicit modifiers may be used with this format.

See the gdk:dmabuf-texture-builder documentation for more information about DMA buffers. Note that DMA buffers only exist on Linux.

Since 4.14

See also
