Package: gdk
Class gdk:display-manager
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclasses
Direct SlotsDetails The purpose of the gdk:display-manager singleton object is to offer
notification when displays appear or disappear or the default display
changes. You can use the gdk:display-manager-get function to obtain the gdk:display-manager singleton, but that should be rarely necessary.
Typically, initializing GTK opens a display that you can work with without ever accessing the gdk:display-manager object. The GDK library can be built with support for multiple backends. The gdk:display-manager object determines which backend is used at runtime. Signal DetailsThe "display-opened" signallambda (manager display) :run-last
| Slot Access FunctionsInherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |