Package: cairo
CStruct cairo:path-data-t
Declaration(cffi:defcstruct header-t (data-type path-data-type-t) (length :int)) Details The cairo:path-data-t structure is used to represent the path data inside a cairo:path-t instance. The data structure is designed to try to balance the demands of efficiency and ease-of-use. A path is represented as an array of cairo:path-data-t instances, which is a union of headers and points. Each portion of the path is represented by one or more elements in the array, one header followed by 0 or more points. The length value of the header is the number of array elements for the current portion including the header, that is length == 1 + # of points, and where the number of points for each element type is as follows: :move-to 1 point :line-to 1 point :curve-to 3 points :close-path 0 pointsThe semantics and ordering of the coordinate values are consistent with the cairo:move-to, cairo:line-to, cairo:curve-to, and cairo:close-path functions. Notes | See also |