Package: cairo

Macro cairo:with-toy-font-face

Lambda List

cairo:with-toy-font-face ((face &rest args) &body body)


(cairo:with-toy-font-face (face family slant weight) body) => result


face -- a newly allocated cairo:font-face-t instance
familiy -- a string for the font family name, encoded in UTF-8
slant -- a cairo:font-slant-t value for the slant for the font
weight -- a cairo:font-weight-t value for the weight for the font


The cairo:with-toy-font-face macro allocates a new cairo:font-face-t instance and executes the body that uses the toy font face. After execution of the body the allocated memory for the font face is released. See the cairo:toy-font-face-create function for more information.

See also
