Package: cairo
Function cairo:line-width
Lambda Listcairo:line-width (cr) SyntaxArgumentsDetails The cairo:line-width function returns the current line width value
within the Cairo context. The (setf cairo:line-width) function sets the current line width. Note that
the value is unchanged even if the current transformation matrix (CTM) has changed between the calls to the cairo:line-width and (setf cairo:line-width) functions. The line width value specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in user space, though device-space pen may be an ellipse in general due to scaling/shear/rotation of the current transformation matrix (CTM). As with the other stroke parameters, the current line width is examined by the cairo:stroke and cairo:stroke-extents functions, but does not have any effect during path construction. The default line width value is 2.0. Notes | See also |